
Wisdom Teeth Removal: the dos and don’ts

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal are the last of the molars to come through at the very back of your mouth. You probably have them by the time you reach your early twenties, although some people get at an earlier or later age. Wisdom tooth extraction is the removal of these teeth and sometimes not a very straight forward procedure depending on how they are present.


For a lot of people wisdom teeth removal erupt normally and fit well in the mouth without any issues. But for some there is simply not enough space in the mouth to adjust them. Also, they can be at an angle, horizontal or get stuck underneath your gums or teeth. This is known as an ‘impacted wisdom tooth’ and needs special care during extraction. If partially erupted, these teeth are hard to clean, plus food and plaque can get trapped underneath the gums leading to swollen and painful gums, cavities and infection. Extraction of a wisdom tooth extraction is indicated if you are facing symptoms or there is danger to the adjacent molar.


How it’s performedWisdom teeth removal

Unless it is an emergency, wisdom teeth removal should be planned in advance. So schedule in such a way that you get at least a few days to rest. Talk to your dentist of what you might encounter and plan accordingly. It will take a few days to heal from the extraction. So here are a few things you can expect and that you should keep in mind to speed up the recovery process.

Day of extraction:    


Depending on your choice of anesthesia, the extraction can be done either only under local anesthesia or with additional sedation for a more comfortable procedure.


Here are a few important things to remember immediately after extraction:

1. Bite down gently yet firmly on the gauze pack placed by your dentist over the extraction area. The gauze should remain in place and exert pressure to control bleeding. After one hour it can be replaced with a new one and may then be changed again until bleeding is completely stopped.


2. Do not rinse your mouth or gargle or probe the area with any object. The extraction site should not be disturbed under any circumstances. This is important to not disturb the clot necessary for smooth healing of the socket.


3. Apply ice to the outside of your face: Ice helps to reduce the swelling, bleeding as well as pain. Never apply ice directly to the skin. Instead wrap it up in a towel and apply. Apply every 20 minutes – so it should be 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off.


4. Keep your mouth clean: It is important to maintain good oral hygiene in order to expedite the process of wound healing. So you can start to gently brush at night. Avoid brushing near the extraction site


5. Salt water rinses: You can gently swish your mouth with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of salt dissolved in a glass of warm water to keep your mouth clean starting 24 hours after the extraction and only if there is negligible bleeding. Do not spit out the water; let it drip into the sink when you are done. Continue this for a few days, 2-3 times a day to reduce swelling and help the healing process.


6. Bleeding: Some amount of bleeding is normal after the extraction, which may continue up to 24-48 hours later. Keep the pressure active by biting firmly on the gauze. Apply ice.


Severe bleeding implies that you are biting the gauze with your teeth but not exerting any pressure on the extraction area. So reposition the gauze over the area. Sit in an upright or reclined position versus lying down. Keeping a moistened tea bag on the area for about 30 minutes is another solution. The tannic acid in the tea leaves helps to control the bleeding by promoting blood clotting. If bleeding is uncontrolled then you should contact your dentist.


7. Swelling: It is normal for your face on the side of the extraction to swell up. The swelling will persist for next 2-3 days. Use ice packs to minimize.


8. Pain: Some degree of discomfort and mild pain is common after the extraction. It will start when the anesthesia begins to wear off. But this can be easily managed with over the counter pain medicines like ibuprofen, paracetamol etc. There are stronger prescription medicines available too, but some patients experience nausea. Take the medicine prior to the wearing off of the anesthetic. The most pain you will experience is for about six hours after the local anesthetic wears off.


9. Diet: Don’t eat anything until the anesthesia has worn off and your sensation in the mouth, including the tongue has returned as you might inadvertently bite your tongue while eating.


You will have to follow a soft and nutritious diet. You should stick to soups, puddings, milk shakes, yoghurt for the first few days after extraction. Don’t skip on meals since you need to nourish your body to heal faster. Avoid extremely hot (tea/ coffee), spicy and hard food or food that needs to be chewed. Also, avoid food like nuts, sunflower seeds, popcorn which can get stuck in the socket. Gradually start with your normal diet.


Do not use a straw to drink for the first few days or any other activity involving a sucking motion such as smoking.


Here are some other things you should remember:

Avoid activities immediately following the extraction. Strenuous activities should be avoided like exercising etc. for several days as this may increase bleeding and swelling. Stick to resting throughout the first day post-surgery, however do not become completely flat on the bed as the pressure can increase bleeding, instead take a few pillows to support your head. Also, be careful to slowly get up from the lying down position.


Smoking should be strictly avoided in the healing period as it will slow down the process and add to discomfort and formation of dry socket.


Follow these instructions carefully for optimal healing and avoidance of Dry socket. Dry socket is an extremely painful condition which happens when the blood clot gets dislodged. You will have to visit your dentist again and undergo an additional procedure to get treated for dry socket.


After the first 2-3 days you can start using an antiseptic mouthwash to gently rinse your mouth.


The first two days after the extraction are the most uncomfortable due to some bleeding and swelling. Starting the third day it starts to get more comfortable and gradually you see improvement and healing.


Signature Smiles, Mumbai, India offers safe extraction of wisdom teeth removal in a warm and comfortable setting at an affordable cost. Schedule an appointment today with our specialists if you think you need your wisdom teeth removal to be extracted.

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