Teeth cleaning

A fresh, clean smile helps to boost your confidence and make you feel at ease. You should follow some basic oral hygiene practices. These include brushing twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste and flossing once daily. These practices are essential and play a big part in keeping your mouth healthy. 

However, did you know that it is not possible to get rid of plaque and tartar from every nook and cranny of your teeth? Since there is a connection between your dental and overall health, caring for your teeth and gums is all the more important. 

Scaling and Root Planning is a professional dental cleaning procedure that thoroughly removes plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth. 

We at Signature Smiles dental clinic recommend professional dental cleaning to ensure that your teeth and gums stay in perfect condition. This will give you the healthy and beautiful smile you have dreamed of. 

Benefits of Professional Dental Cleaning

Removes Plaque

Plaque is typically a colourless to whitish, soft and sticky layer that constantly forms on teeth. It is made up of billions of bacteria and can cause gum disease and cavities. Besides teeth, plaque builds up on soft tissues of the mouth like gums and tongue and on dental fillings, crowns and dentures. The bacteria in plaque produce harmful acids from the sugar in food and drinks. These acids destroy the outer hard covering of the tooth called enamel and cause tooth decay. 

The plaque that builds along the gum line produces toxins that constantly irritate the gums leading to gum inflammation called gingivitis. Gums become swollen, red and results in bleeding gums. If gingivitis is not treated with proper oral hygiene and dental cleaning, it can progress to gum disease called periodontitis. Gums and the underlying bone and supporting structures of the tooth are involved, which can cause the gum tissue to pull away from the surface of the tooth, making it easy for bacteria to enter into the deeper layers, leading to gum recession, exposure of the root of the tooth, formation of spaces, tooth movement and finally tooth loss. 

Even with meticulous brushing and flossing at home, there can be some amount of plaque and bacteria left behind, which can only be removed by professional dental cleaning. 

Removes Tartar

Plaque that is not removed from teeth combines with minerals from saliva to form a hard substance called tartar. This is also referred to as calculus. Tartar is rough in texture and attracts more plaque and bacteria. Unlike plaque, calculus cannot be removed through brushing and flossing, and special dental instruments are needed to get rid of it. 

A brighter smile

Ugly stains on your teeth can make you feel self-conscious when you smile. Teeth polishing during dental cleaning effectively removes stains to give you a bright smile.’ 

Fresh breath

The bacteria in the mouth produce compounds that cause bad breath or halitosis. It can take a toll on a person’s lifestyle. Dental cleaning is effective in getting rid of bad breath. 

Early identification of dental problems

During routine dental check-ups, the dentist is able to carefully explore your teeth and gums. This can help to detect early signs of gum disease as well as identify cavities hidden beneath the plaque and tartar.

Teeth Cleaning Procedure

Experienced dentists at Signature Smiles use a variety of special tools to carefully remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. The cleaning instruments have ultrasonic vibrating tips with water jetting out. This water that comes out with force is what helps get rid of the debris. 

Next, the teeth are polished using another set of instruments and a polishing paste to make them smooth and stain-free. The dentist will also advise you about hygiene methods that can be practiced at home. 

If gum disease is severe, it may require deep cleaning. With the use of specialized devices, your dentist is able to reach deeper areas below the gum line, also known as the subgingival area, into the gum pockets and around the tooth root. The root surfaces are made smooth and free of plaque and tartar so that gums reattach to the tooth. 

Cleaning is typically free of pain. But if you are suffering from severe gum disease with tender gums, it is possible that you might experience some discomfort. In such cases, our dental specialists use proper pain management techniques to make it a comfortable procedure. The entire process does not take long to complete. Your comfort is our top priority. We at Signature Smiles work hard to make sure you get a sparkling smile. 

How Frequently Should Teeth Be Cleaned?

It’s important that you get your teeth professionally cleaned every six months to keep gum disease and tooth decay at bay. People with already existing gum disease might need cleaning more often to control the disease and halt its progression. 

Dental specialists at Signature Smiles make it a priority to provide premium dental care in a cost-effective manner so that you leave our clinic feeling satisfied. They use gentle techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to make it a comfortable and painless procedure. The cost of dental cleaning depends on whether cleaning is needed mostly above the gum line or in deeper layers below the gum line. 

The cost of deep teeth cleaning is higher than that of ordinary teeth cleaning since it is a more advanced process. Did you know that the cost of dental cleaning is much less compared to any other dental procedure? Since teeth scaling helps to catch disease early on, it will save you money on dental treatments that might be needed later on. 

At Signature Smiles, all dental cleanings are performed by our qualified expert dentists. So, contact our dental clinic today to schedule your professional teeth cleaning appointment. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How to clean teeth at home?

Brush your teeth twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste. Routine flossing and chlorhexidine mouthwash rinses before bed can remove tartar build-up. The basic home care routine can avert a lot of dental problems. But home care can’t substitute professional care. You must visit the dental clinic every six months for routine dental check-ups.  

We at Signature Smiles Dental Clinic understand your oral health needs. That’s why we provide world-class facilities & globally trained experts who provide top-quality oral cleaning procedures as per your requirement. 

How to clean yellow teeth at home?

Products such as charcoal toothpaste, oil pulling, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda can offer temporary whitening effects, but over time, they may contribute to enamel erosion and increased tooth sensitivity. At Signature Smile Dental Clinics, we provide both instant teeth whitening treatments and effective at-home whitening solutions designed to enhance your smile safely and sustainably. 

How much does it cost to clean teeth?

Tooth cleaning, also known as scaling, varies in cost. The cost differs depending on the amount of tartar present on your teeth. More plaque buildup requires more sessions which costs more. Each session may cost you around Rs 1500 to Rs 3000 on average. The cost depends on the location of the clinic and experience of the Dentist.

Is Teeth Cleaning painful?

Teeth cleaning is not a surgical procedure, and it is painless. If your tooth roots are exposed, you might experience slight sensitivity which is manageable. 

Is Teeth Cleaning safe?

The dentist uses low frequency ultrasonic vibrations to remove sticky debris between your teeth and gums. It is super-safe and pain-free. It is advised to undergo professional teeth cleaning every six months. It takes about 30-40 minutes per session.  

How to Clean Teeth with braces?

Maintaining oral hygiene with braces is important or else it can result in bad breath and plaque buildup around the brackets and teeth.  

Brush your teeth twice a day using fluoridated toothpaste. Interdental brushes are specially designed tools used to clean the spaces between the teeth when wires and brackets are placed. Rinse your mouth with mild mouthwash containing chlorhexidine once a day to avoid bacterial growth.   

Visit your Dentist frequently for advanced oral care during the treatment. 

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Average Treatment Time : 20 mins

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Average No of sittings- 1

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Cost of Teeth Cleaning :