Although zirconia isn’t as popular as porcelain dental crowns, it has become the top pick for dental restorations and has been used in the medical field for over half a century.

What are zirconia dental crowns?

Dental crowns can be made of various materials, including ceramic, metal as well as zirconia. So, essentially zirconia crowns are dental crowns made of zirconium dioxide, which is a white powdered ceramic material. It is highly durable and natural-looking.

A dental crown is a type of dental restoration that covers or encircles a tooth completely. It can cover severe tooth decay, bad breath or discoloration, as well as worn-down teeth. It not only aims to improve the strength of the affected tooth but also its appearance.

Moreover, it can also cover the gap created by one or more missing teeth. It does so by taking the support from existing teeth in order to replace the missing ones. It also helps to prevent the remaining teeth from moving out of their position.

Dental crowns function and look exactly like one’s natural teeth and can help in chewing food, speaking as well as maintaining the shape of your face. They are durable and robust as well as easy to maintain.

Types of Zirconia Dental Crowns

There are two types of ceramic materials that are used to make zirconia crowns. Dentists prefer using either framework zirconia or full-contour zirconia for the purpose of dental restorations.

Both of these options are effective alternatives to dental restorations made of porcelain or metal. However, framework zirconia is known to work the best for anterior and posterior multi-unit bridges. Moreover, full-contour zirconia is ideal for monolithic dental restorations. Zirconia is often covered with porcelain or glass, which is why it is able to offer a natural look.

Benefits of Zirconia Dental Crowns

  • Zirconia crowns are metal-free, so they do not irritate the surrounding tissue.
  • Since zirconia crowns are made of white powdered ceramic material, they have the ability to mimic your natural teeth.
  • Due to the strong material, zirconia crowns are also beneficial in restoring the backmost molars and can last for years, if not decades to come.
  • Zirconia crowns do not require any additional maintenance. You just need to brush twice a day and floss once to ensure a long life for your zirconia crown, which is the same as maintaining basic oral hygiene.

Disadvantages of Zirconia Dental Crowns

Although zirconia dental crowns are highly durable and gentle with other teeth, we can’t deny the fact that they have some disadvantages.

  • The material that it is made of itself is not adequate to match with your natural teeth as it requires a coating to give a matching look.
  • Moreover, in a recent survey conducted by the American Dentist Association, about 57% of dentists found zirconia mineral to have translucency issues, and some also complained about debonding problems.

What Is The Procedure For Installing Zirconia Dental Crowns?

There are two major types of ways to install zirconia crowns. It can be done in a two-time visit or on the same day.

Two-time visit :In this type of procedure, your dentist will prepare your tooth and install a temporary crown during the first visit and then cement the permanent one during the second visit.

Steps included in two visit installation:

  • An X-ray of the mouth is taken
  • The tooth is then prepared for the procedure, which may include the use of a local anesthetic.
  • And if necessary, the dentist will also remove part of the outer layer of your tooth.
  • After making an impression of your tooth, a temporary crown is installed over it.
  • Then, a dental lab makes the permanent crown on the basis of impressions taken earlier.
  • On the second and final visit, the new crown is cemented to the tooth.

Same-day installation: This type of procedure is only possible if the dentist has the appropriate equipment as well as technology to make a zirconia crown in their office.

Steps included in this procedure are:

  • Examination of your mouth along with taking digital pictures.
  • Then the tooth is prepared for the procedure, which may include the use of a local anesthetic.
  • Then a digital scan from the photos is used to create a zirconia crown in the office.
  • Finally, the dentist cements the crown to the tooth.

What is the cost of zirconia dental crowns?

Generally, zirconia dental crowns are known to be quite expensive-especially when compared to other types of dental crowns, including ceramic, porcelain, and metal. With that being said, the cost of dental crowns depends on the expertise of the dentist, the material used, location as well as the condition of the tooth that will receive the crown. The price of dental crowns is also influenced by the number of teeth that are supposed to be replaced. Moreover, because dental crown treatments are often customized as per the patients, it is not possible to quote how much it will exactly cost.

Zirconia Dental Crowns FAQs

Are temporary crowns supposed to be worn during the entire procedure?

The patient is supposed to wear temporary crowns the first and second visit only. This is done to protect the shaped part of the tooth and the patient’s appearance during the treatment.

Are zirconia dental crowns stronger than porcelain dental crowns?

Zirconia crowns are known as the strongest dental crowns and are highly durable as well.

How long do zirconia dental crowns last?

Most zirconia dental crowns last between five and fifteen years, that is, if treated with proper care.

It’s time to give your smile the makeover it deserves with our dental crowns. At Signature Smiles, we ensure that the treatment is customized according to your needs and expectations. We also make zirconia dental crowns as affordable as possible. Our highly experienced and certified dentists will help you determine the options, considering the cost and your requirements. So if you want to get zirconia dental crowns, don’t forget to book an appointment with us!